The sword and the shield is a traditional game that is widely spread in the Levant, including Palestine. This game spread out greatly in Jerusalem during the Ottoman Rule.[1] It was played formally in specific occasions such as Muslim and Christian Feasts, especially Eid Al-Adha and Holy Saturday.[2]

The game consists of a sword of wood and a shield of zinc.[3] Two or more people would start fencing with strong and flexible movements to gain the admiration of people watching. The game aims at showing the physical strength from an entertaining and brotherly view, not a challenging one.[4]

The sword and the shield is an ancient game that demonstrates boldness and masculinity. It has Greek origins and entered the region with invading armies and under Ottoman rule, it became a regular band whose task is to solicit soldiers before starting battles.[5]

Now-a-days,, the game is played in Jerusalem during different religious and national events such as feasts, the return of pilgrims, the celebration of the birth of the Prophet, and even weddings.

[2] “Easter in Jerusalem,” last modified January 22, 2016,عيد_الفصح_المجيد

[4] “Sword and Shield: a language of an experienced body and a sharp mind,”

[5] Ibid

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