Economy of Jerusalem

Economic Obstacles

  • Economic Deterioration Threatens the Arab Existence in the City

    Jerusalem’s economy has been deteriorating in a way that seriously threatens the existence of Palestinians in the city. Many policies implemented by the Israeli state hinder Palestinian growth and prosperity in the eastern part of the city.[1] The Palestinian economy in occupied Jerusalem is affected by three main phenomena: Annexation:, [...]


  • Cotton Merchants’ Market

    History and Location Cotton Merchants’ Market, known in Arabic as Souq Al-Qattanin, is located within the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem. It starts with the Valley Road, one of the main streets in the Old City, and leads directly to the Aqsa Plaza.[1] The market was built [...]

  • The Perfume Market When Smell Talks

    One of the most prominent landmarks of Jerusalem is its market. Most of the Old City's shops are adjacent to the plaza of the al-Aqsa mosque.  The market and its various shops were established and expanded during different Islamic eras and remained until the Israeli occupation of the east [...]


  • Jerusalem Ceramic Products

    Armenian Ceramic an Original Jerusalemite Product

    After the Israeli occupation of Jerusalem in 1948, and then again in 1967, the production of hand-made goods has been slowed dramatically due to the lack of manpower. Many of the shops that had once existed in Jerusalem either closed, moved to another city or abandoned the entire enterprise [...]

  • The Candle Industry is a Heritage Craft in Jerusalem

    For many centuries, the candle industry in Jerusalem has flourished, particularly because of the religious nature of the city and the demand for candles in churches and monasteries for different religious and social events. More traditional designs have been supplemented by new shapes and sizes and decorated with geometric, [...]


  • Arnona Tax a Sword on the Necks of Jerusalemites

    Israel un/officially promotes a policy of human judaization in Jerusalem continuously creating new forms of pressure to push Palestinians to migrate from the city and encourage the presence of a Jewish majority. One such example is the Tax of Arnona, an excise tax imposed on property-owning Palestinians in the city. [...]