History of Jerusalem

History | Overview:

In this section of the site we go over the history of Jerusalem in depth. This covers the Ancient and Classical periods, along with the Middle Ages.  By covering all of these periods we provide a historically accurate timeline of facts on Jerusalem for you to use. Including but not limited to when Jerusalem was first built, who built it,  the Crusades, who won them, who destroyed Jerusalem, what religion was practiced there first, how it came to be part of Palestine, all of these topics are covered in our articles here.

View all our articles on the history of Jerusalem below:

  • Painting of Saladin (Salah Al-Din) Liberating Jerusalem

    Saladin Legendary Savior of Jerusalem

    Salah Al-Din’s name is so closely tied to the history of Jerusalem that, oftentimes, people instinctively associate Jerusalem with him. In this article, we will learn about the life and achievements of Salah Al-Din. Who is Saladin?  Salah Al-Din, [...]

  • Assyrians Attack Stone Carving

    The Exile and The Return | The Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian Eras

    A Divided Kingdom After the death of Solomon, the Israelite presence in Palestine became divided into two kingdoms: the kingdom of Israel in the north with Samaria as its capital, and the kingdom of Judah in the south with [...]

  • City of David Jerusalem

    Pharoanic and Sons of Israel Period

    Jerusalem has appeared in the Pharaonic records many times. In the Tel-Amarna letters, which were correspondences between Egypt Pharaoh and local rulers of Jerusalem around 1350 BC, Abdu-Heba, the ruler of Jerusalem or Urushamem at the time, pleads for military [...]

  • Ancient Jerusalem Byzantine Persian Constantinople

    The Christian Kingdom of Byzantium

    During the first five centuries after the quelling of the second Jewish revolt, peace prevailed in the holy city of Jerusalem[1] and from 324 AD- 638 AD Christianity was the official religion of the empire.[2] In 330 AD, Emperor Constantine’s [...]

  • Jerusalem Aelia Capitolina Ruins

    A New City, A New Era (Aelia Capitolina)

    In 130 AD, when the Roman Emperor Hadrian visited Jerusalem, He decided against reconstructing the city for the Jewish people and treating it as a roman colony instead..,[1] Following this decision, Christians were persecuted, the Jewish temple was replaced [...]

  • The kishle Jerusalem Old City

    The Messiah and the Holy City

    After the death of Herod the Great and from 4BC-41 AD, Jerusalem was ruled by Roman officials called procurators.[1] it was under the rule of procurators that Jesus was born. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, raised in Nazareth and [...]

  • Jerusalem Crusade Taking of Jerusalem by the Crusaders - Oil Painting Crop

    The Jerusalem Crusades Facts | A Crusades History of The Kingdom of Jerusalem

    This is the definitive overview of the facts and history of the Jerusalem Crusades.  Here is a summary of the topics covered: The Jerusalem Crusades History The Reasons Behind the Jerusalem Crusades The First Crusade (1st Crusade) Inhabitants of [...]

  • Fatimid Era Dinar Ancient Jerusalem

    Fatimids in Jerusalem

    The Fatimid Caliphate in Jerusalem Who were the Fatimids in Jerusalem? Where did the Fatimids come from? The Fatimids began as a new strong state that originated in Morocco as a caliphate. The Fatimids claimed that they're origins can [...]

  • Islamic Ancient Jerusalem Abbasid coin

    Abbasid Remarkable Touch

    The Abbasid Empire rose to power in 750 and took control of the Levant and Iraq. Competition with their predecessors, the Umayyads, was fierce, and one of their main points of contention was regarding control over the city of [...]