Ancient History of Jerusalem2020-01-05T17:04:30+00:00

Ancient History of Jerusalem

Many Names, One Holy City

The city of Jerusalem has been inhabited by different nations from different cultures and backgrounds throughout history. Every time Jerusalem was invaded, destroyed, and rebuilt, it was given a different name by the new residents. Oftentimes, the names given to this city were religious or holy in nature. The first name Jerusalem was given was its Canaanite name Ursalim.[1] In the Akkadian language, city names [...]

Jerusalem and the Canaanite Arabs

The city of Jerusalem is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in our world.[1] While some Historians believe that the city was inhabited by humans long before the Bronze Age, around 5000 BC,[2] archaeologists believe that the first settlement was founded around the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC.[3] In 3000 BC, Jebusites, members of Canaanite tribes,migrated to the Arabian Peninsula, an area that [...]

Pharoanic and Sons of Israel Period

Jerusalem has appeared in the Pharaonic records many times. In the Tel-Amarna letters, which were correspondences between Egypt Pharaoh and local rulers of Jerusalem around 1350 BC, Abdu-Heba, the ruler of Jerusalem or Urushamem at the time, pleads for military aid from the Pharaoh to face the tribes of Hapiru, who frequently attacked the city.. The Pharaoh sent help and actually ruled the area across [...]

The Exile and The Return | The Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian Eras

A Divided Kingdom After the death of Solomon, the Israelite presence in Palestine became divided into two kingdoms: the kingdom of Israel in the north with Samaria as its capital, and the kingdom of Judah in the south with Jerusalem as its capital. The two kingdoms were ruled by weak kings and plagued not only by wars both among themselves and with neighboring nations [...]

Saladin Legendary Savior of Jerusalem

Salah Al-Din’s name is so closely tied to the history of Jerusalem that, oftentimes, people instinctively associate Jerusalem with him. In this article, we will learn about the life and achievements of Salah Al-Din. Who is Saladin?  Salah Al-Din, also known as Yusuf Ibn Ayyub 1138-1193,[1] was a Kurdish leader who ruled over Egypt and Syria in the Middle Ages. He was born near [...]

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