Since then, Israel has confiscated more than eighteen thousand acres of lands belong to Palestinians. nineteen Israeli Jewish settlements have been constructed in and around East Jerusalem in a space that covers more than thirteen thousand acres.[2]
The Israeli settlements on Occupied Palestinian Territories are illegal Jewish civilian concentrations. They include more than 57 thousand housing units where more than 208,000 settlers live[3]. Some sources estimate that the number of settlers in 2017 exceeded 542,000.[4]
This section is dedicated to address settlement activity in Jerusalem–its practices and dangers.
[1] “Israel’s Settlements: Fifty Years of Land Theft Explained,” last modified Noveber 21, 2017,
[2] “Jerusalem Settlements: Niteen Settlements to change the face of the city,” last modified November 3, 2004,
[3] “Six Month Report on Israeli Settlements in the Occupied West Bank including East Jerusalem,” last modified July 16, 2018,
[4] “The Number of Settlers in Jerusalem Doubled Twice,” last modified May 14, 2017,تضاعف-عدد-المستوطنين-في-القدس-مرتين-تقريبا?amp