Kochav Yaakov, named in honor of prophet Jacob and referred to as Al-Nabi Ya‘qub in Arabic is a settlement founded on the lands annexed from Kafr Aqeb south to Al-Ram. This Palestinian land of approximately 1835 acres was confiscated back in 1967-1968 after the Six-Day War.[1] At Least 19,300 settlers live on 862 acres of that land in more than 3800 housing units.[2]
[1] “Settlement in Jerusalem: Nineteen Settlements to change the face of the City,” last modified October 3, 2004, www.aljazeera.net/specialfiles/pages/f66e25b0-6804-4c4a-a83a-3258852d06c3
[2] Abdullah Mohammad Bin Abbod, The Apartheid Wall on the Palestinian Territories: a Legal and Political Study (2013), 104